日期:2021-10-07 13:37:00八掌柜发布:www.bazhanggui.com生日文案祝自己人气:46我来评论
任何适合官宣的文案,来瞅瞅吧。 1、从今天开始,正式脱单了。 From today on, we are officially off the list. 2、来日方长,以后的每一天让我一点一点的照顾你。 There is a long way to go. Let me take care of you little by little every day. 3、我将始终如一,牵着你的手一直走下去。 I will be consistent,Take your hand and walk on. 4、一时半会也说不清楚,反正就是我恋爱了。 I don't know for a while. I'm in love anyway. 5、有了他,我的第二杯奶茶是半价。 With him, my second cup of milk tea is half price. 6、大家提前把红包准备一下,请帖一会就发给你。 Please prepare some money in advance and the invitation will be sent to you in a moment. 7、我不知道什么是爱情,但我知道,我要跟你在一起。 I don't know what love is, but I know I want to be with you. 8、从今天开始,这位就是我的保护伞,会宠我一辈子。 From today on, this is my umbrella and will spoil me all my life. 9、就是下面这个小胖子,打破了我仗剑走天涯的梦想。 It's the little fat man below who broke my dream of going to the end of the world with my sword. 10、说来也很巧,我从他的身边路过,顺便就牵了回来。 It's a coincidence that I passed by his side and took it back by the way |