日期:2022-05-19 09:13:00八掌柜发布:www.bazhanggui.com生日文案祝自己人气:32我来评论
第7期 美国明州再现枪击案 一人身亡freedom情感文案馆,十一人住院 There has been another shooting incident in Minneapolis, which resulted in one death and 11 people injured. 枪支泛滥 早已困扰美国多年 Gun violence has long been a problem in the US, 不仅威胁民众安全 threatening the lives of all, 更蔓延到校园 even young people on campus, 让师生都感到不安 putting them under the shadow of fear. 美国宪法规定持枪权 本为保障美国公民自由 The US Constitution allows people to own guns to protect their liberty; 时过境迁 今天却成了束缚美国freedom情感文案馆的枷锁 yet today it has become a chain 让“自由”二字蒙羞 that curbs US citizens’ freedom. 控枪也一直是美国重要议题 The US government has tried to implement gun control. 早在奥巴马时期就在努力 The Obama administration tried to do so, 结果弄了一身泥; but it suffered a huge failure; 现任美国政府也在努力 The current administration is trying, too, 但又如何拗得过背后的利益freedom情感文案馆? but how could they defeat the interests behind? 美国控枪难,还跟社会撕裂有关 Gun abuse has much to do with social disparity. 两党之间吵 There are quarrels between the two parties, 白宫跟国会吵 between the White House and US Congress, 甚至一个屋檐下都在吵 Even between the husband and the wife living under the same roof. 吵来吵去 控枪力度如何保障? Gun control is impossible under such circumstances. 控枪久拖不决 枪口下的冤魂何处诉说? So who can stop the gun violence? 美国民众早已怒气满满 many people in the US have long been angry, 但美国政府仍裹足不前 but US politicians are impotent or unwilling. 美国政客是时候给点力了 早日控住枪 But it is time for the US to control guns, 别让枪控住自己! instead of being controlled by them. 漫画 / 中国日报美术部 监制 / 柯荣谊 联合监制 / 邢志刚 统筹 / 张若琼 总策划 /王晓莹 文案/张周项 声明:转载此文是出于传递更多信息之目的。若有来源标注错误或侵犯了您的合法权益,请作者持权属证明与本网联系,我们将及时更正、删除,谢谢。 |