日期:2023-11-20 08:01:06八掌柜发布:www.bazhanggui.com最有情商的生日祝福人气:0我来评论
关于结婚谚语英文 1、妻子要小,二麦要老。 Wife is young, Ermai is old. 2、夫妻常吵闹,邻居都看笑。 Husband and wife are often noisy and neighbors laugh. 3、买屋看墙,娶妻看娘。 Buying houses and looking at walls, marrying wives and looking at mothers. 4、会选选儿郎,不会选图家当。 He will choose his son, not his painter. 5、天下无媒人,人间断了根。 There is no matchmaker in the world, and there is a discontinuity in people's roots. 6、结婚不宜早,只要配的好。 Marriage should not be early, as long as it is well matched. 7、莫看容颜,要看心眼。 Don't look at your face, but at your heart. 8、女大五,欺了祖。 Female fifth year old, deceived ancestors. 9、姨做婆,孩不多。 Aunt is a mother-in-law, but not many children. 10、回头亲,穷断筋。 Turn back to your relatives and break your bones. 11、不婚不嫁,不成天下。 No marriage, no marriage, no world. 12、女大四,没意思。 Female senior, no fun. 13、女大三,抱金砖。 Female junior, hold bricks. 14、一辈没好妻,三辈没好子。 A generation without a good wife, three generations without a good son. 15、姑做婆,闹不和。 My aunt is a mother-in-law, and she is at odds. 16、夫妻不和,奸人来乘。 When husband and wife are not in harmony, adulterers will take advantage of it. 17、慌不择路,贫不择妻。 A poor man chooses his wife. 18、娶妻娶德不娶色,交友交心不交财。 Marry a wife, marry virtue, marry no sex, make friends, make heart, and not make money. 19、男怕入错行,女怕嫁错郎。 Men are afraid to go wrong, women are afraid to marry the wrong man. 20、心邪做贼,嘴馋做媒。 Heart evil is a thief, mouth greedy is a matchmaker. 21、买马不买缰,娶妻不问娘。 Buy a horse without rein, marry a wife without asking a wife. 22、买猪不买圈,媳妇靠教劝。 Buy a pig do not buy a ring, daughter-in-law rely on advice. 23、种好一半麦,妻好一辈福。 Half the wheat is planted well, and the wife is blessed for a lifetime. 24、男人无妻不成家,女人无夫浪淘沙。 A man without a wife does not make a family, but a woman without a husband. |