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日期:2022-05-22 13:02:00八掌柜发布:www.bazhanggui.com生日文案祝自己人气:6我来评论



Don't believe everything you hear.there are always three sides to a story:yours,theirs and the truth.


Don't love too deeply until you are sure that the other person loves you with the same depth.because the depth of your love today is the depth of your wound tomorrow.

成年礼<a href=http://www.bazhanggui.com/duanju/lizhidj/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>励志</a><a href=http://www.bazhanggui.com/pifu/toumingpf/368.html target=_blank class=infotextkey>文案</a>(成人礼<a href=http://www.bazhanggui.com/pifu/toumingpf/368.html target=_blank class=infotextkey>文案</a><a href=http://www.bazhanggui.com/duanju/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>短句</a>)


Be careful of what you ignore.sometimes what you ignore is what you need more.


Not every friend request is a friend request.some are just surveillace cameras.

成年礼<a href=http://www.bazhanggui.com/duanju/lizhidj/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>励志</a><a href=http://www.bazhanggui.com/pifu/toumingpf/368.html target=_blank class=infotextkey>文案</a>(成人礼<a href=http://www.bazhanggui.com/pifu/toumingpf/368.html target=_blank class=infotextkey>文案</a><a href=http://www.bazhanggui.com/duanju/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>短句</a>)


Never assume that someone likes you for your sweetness sometimes,you are just an option when they are bored.


Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional.it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.

成年礼<a href=http://www.bazhanggui.com/duanju/lizhidj/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>励志</a><a href=http://www.bazhanggui.com/pifu/toumingpf/368.html target=_blank class=infotextkey>文案</a>(成人礼<a href=http://www.bazhanggui.com/pifu/toumingpf/368.html target=_blank class=infotextkey>文案</a><a href=http://www.bazhanggui.com/duanju/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>短句</a>)


It's ok if you fall down and lose your spark.just make sure that when you get back up,you rise as the whole damn fire.


Dont overthink life.trust that you made the right decision and continue to grow.

成年礼<a href=http://www.bazhanggui.com/duanju/lizhidj/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>励志</a><a href=http://www.bazhanggui.com/pifu/toumingpf/368.html target=_blank class=infotextkey>文案</a>(成人礼<a href=http://www.bazhanggui.com/pifu/toumingpf/368.html target=_blank class=infotextkey>文案</a><a href=http://www.bazhanggui.com/duanju/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>短句</a>)


Maturity is when you know the other person is lying but you jsut smile and let it go.

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