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一次难忘的旅行作文 英语

日期:2024-12-29 14:37:55八掌柜发布:www.bazhanggui.com生日文案祝自己人气:0我来评论

导读:一次难忘的旅行作文 英语...

一次难忘的旅行(An unforgetful trip)

一次难忘的旅行(An unforgetful trip)

I went Chong Qing in July 22.It is a city which was built near mountains. So people call it Mountain City\. In Chong Qing,I went to the Red Stone Center, to see the places which the prisoners lived in the past. It is a terrible and awful trip. There are a lot of dogs, and soldiers with guns near the prisons. And most of the prisons are good, they didn’t want to tell the bad people where the other people were. They lived in very small houses. No good food to eat, no good water to drink.They had only twenty minutes to stay out side per day but they still said nothing.

I think they are the heros in that century. I will follow their spirit.

本文来自: 梦想作文网(www.zuowen7.cn) 详细出处参考:



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