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日期:2024-08-07 08:55:32八掌柜发布:www.bazhanggui.com生日最暖心短句人气:0我来评论



1、and a beautiful moon, and a Chinese Lantern Festival, a period of happiness and time once again sincere congratulations, I wish you: Troupe round! Sweet sweet honey! the smooth! 又一轮美丽月亮,又一个元宵佳节,又一段幸福时光,又一次真诚祝福,祝你:团团圆圆!甜甜蜜蜜!顺顺利利!

2、元宵佳节,将幸福带回家,将快乐挂脸颊,愿你福寿安康! The Lantern Festival, will bring happiness home, will be happy hanging on the cheek, wish you good health and longevity!

3、Happy Lantern Festival! My dear, I am sorry we can not together for Lantern Festival, but I will at the dinner table for you Tim a bowl and chopsticks, as you like at my side元宵节快乐!亲爱的,对不起,我们不能一起过元宵节,但我会在餐桌上给你添碗筷,只要你喜欢,在我的身边。

4、I wish you the Lantern Festival family reunion, friends gather to Valentine's romance, dancing, vibrant, and sooner or later a smiling face and happy expression_r_r_r of the colorful festivals staged!

5、wish you good luck, good health and good mood!祝愿您吉祥如意,身体健康,心情舒爽!

6、月亮,元宵,映衬着你的欢笑,正月十五回荡着你的歌调,新春充盈着你的热闹,此时我心久恋着你的美妙。 Moon yuanxiao set off with your laughter the fifteenth day of the echoed with your tunes the New Year filled with your lively long love with you the beauty of my heart at this time

7、wish you: life is like a hundred flowers, happy for a long time!祝你:生活如百花灿烂,快乐久久!

8、让汤圆,粘住甜蜜爱情甜,粘住温馨心头暖。 Let Tangyuan stick sweet love and warm heart.

9、The moon is round and round, and the sweet dumpling is a good luck. I wish you a happy and happy family.

10、愿你十五兴致高,团圆美满品元宵! May you have a happy reunion and enjoy the Lantern Festival!

11、wish you a happy Lantern Festival, pig yuanyurun make Lantern Festival.预祝大家元宵节快乐,猪圆玉润闹元宵。

12、It is now, with my most real yearning. Let the wind send the full blessing, give me the rare you in life! Wishing you a happy Lantern Festival!

13、I wish you happiness every day, and good luck always follows you.

14、Yuanxiaoye night Lantern Festival, the nightly Yuanxiaoye happy, happy years, the mid-happy, I wish you a happy holiday! 元宵夜,夜元宵,夜夜元宵夜喜庆年,年喜庆,年年喜庆年,祝您节日快乐!

15、甜甜蜜蜜,团团圆圆,吃了汤圆,快乐过年! Sweet honey, round and round, eat dumplings, happy New Year!

16、Miannen appearance of a round white, sentimental heart Tianrumi implicitly, Body Skin Liang Rui Hongyan GREen, the gentle-Sweetest I ,, light night kiss you eat you 额圆面嫩外表白皙,多情含蓄心甜如蜜,肤靓美体蕊红艳绿,温柔甘饴令我痴迷,十五灯夜吻你吃你。

17、十五的元宵圆又圆,生活幸福比蜜甜。The Lantern Festival of 15 is round and round, and life is more happy than honey.

18、元宵节到了,祝你团团圆圆,圆圆满满! The Lantern Festival is coming. I wish you a happy and happy life!

19、这一刻,有我最深的思念。让云捎去满心的祝福,点缀你甜蜜的梦,愿你拥有一个幸福快乐的元宵节! At this moment have my deepest thoughts Let cloud wisher to bless with full intention embellish your sweet dream wish you have a happy happy Lantern Festival!

20、Spend a good month to reunite people, year after year. I won't get together if you don't come, or I will come if you come.

21、Wish you and your family a happy reunion and Lantern Festival!祝您全家团团圆圆,元宵节快乐!

22、Congratulations on the Lantern Festival and send a message to bless you!

23、lantern festival came around again, remember we are visiting the temple with the same excitement of guessing riddles do? now busy still, people are different, the distance you, flies kehao? have time to write yo!元宵节又来了,还记得我们带着同样的猜谜游览寺庙吗?现在还忙,人都不一样了,距离你,飞行可好?有时间写信哟!

24、今天元宵佳节,祝你快乐开怀。 I wish you a happy Lantern Festival.

25、年年元宵年年圆,团团圆圆,事业圆满,家圆人圆,财源情缘,愿愿随愿月儿圆。元宵快乐!Yuan xiao round year after year, year after year, business circle person circle, completeness, and financial resources to want to want with the moon is round。 Yuan xiao is happy!

26、圆圆的美梦圆圆成,圆圆的甜情圆圆升。 The round dream is round, and the sweet feeling is round.

27、Astimegoesby unnoticeably slipping away, friendship is like wine is mellow, years old friends together, say greetings still sincerely, Lantern Festival to send greetings:I wish you a happy life, sincere friendship constant companions!

28、The Lantern Festival has come, send you a sweet big lantern festival.元宵佳节已来到,送你一个甜蜜大元宵。

29、回荡着新春的热闹,吟唱着欢乐的歌调,迎接着春风的微笑,祝福的短信已来到,祝福你元宵快乐最独到,生活美好,事业走高,前途分外美妙。Echoed with the New Year's lively, singing songs of joy, smile to greet the spring breeze, the blessing of message has come, and wish you a happy Lantern Festival is the most original and beautiful life, career, the future is wonderful。


31、Sweetness is like glutinous rice balls, which round out the persistence of a lifetime.

32、愿你十五元宵闹,吉祥好运把你照!Wish you 15 Lantern Festival, good luck to you!

33、送你一个缘,美梦成真比蜜甜。 Send you a fate, dream come true than sweet.

34、Happy Lantern Festival, how wonderful life is. Happy holidays!

35、The moon was falling, and I left reluctantly. But the people who watched the lanterns were still in the stream, and all kinds of colored lights were shining like stars in the sky. It was "a night of intoxication, only spring."

36、Flowers, and people gathered round Qi Valentine‘s, the festive season with the Wing Lok, lover, I love you.花好,人圆齐相聚。情人,佳节永同乐,恋人我爱您。

37、祝你轻松生活,快乐工作,幸福每一刻。 I wish you a relaxed life, happy work and happy every moment.

38、团团圆圆,幸福比蜜甜元宵节快乐! Round, happy than sweet Lantern Festival!

39、Yuan yuan snack night yuanxiao and night snack festival year the year is festival every year festival I wish you a happy holiday!元宵夜,夜元宵,夜夜元宵夜喜庆年,年喜庆,年年喜庆年,祝您节日快乐!

40、元宵节之际,祝你心中有首快乐的歌! The Lantern Festival, wishing you a song in your heart!

41、Wish on Lantern Festival: Life is warm and satisfying, and nothing else is desired.

42、元宵缘宵少圆宵,三五圆宵胃难消。今宵切莫贪馋嘴,祝你美满度良宵!Yuanxiao edge flaring less round night, three to five round night hard to stomach. Never greedy available tonight, I wish you a happy night!

43、Pass on thoughts, send blessings and taste the warmth of friendship.

44、Good food and beautiful scenery welcome the festival, the matter is also round, the wealth is also round.良宵美景迎佳节,事也圆圆财也圆圆。

45、No matter gathering, or not to leave, the common products are a thousand miles away; No matter be happy, still worry, happy festival good luck come! I wish you a happy Lantern Festival!

46、The joy of the New Year continues to this day, the red lanterns are hung up to this day, the joyful mood continues to this day, the warmth of spring continues to this day, and the lively fireworks continue to this day. I sincerely wish you a happy Lantern Festival!

47、spring lantern festival trouble lantern, light red festive holiday. on acacia invited to send a toast, the moon is round fun reunion !元宵佳节闹花灯,淡红色喜庆的节日。相思应邀派敬酒,月亮是圆的乐趣团圆!

48、元宵节之际,祝你心中有首快乐的歌,新年快乐!On the occasion of the Lantern Festival, I wish you a happy song in your heart and a happy New Year!

49、I wish you good luck and good luck.

50、让汤圆,粘住幸福跑不掉,粘住快乐一整年。 Let Tangyuan, stick happiness can not run away, stick happy for a whole year.

51、I wish you good health, a happy New Year and more prosperous blessings!

52、你是馅我是面不如做个大元宵,你是灯我是纸不如做个大灯笼,你情我愿庆佳节,欢欢喜喜过一生!You are filling my is better to do a big yuanxiao, you are my lamp is better to do a big lanterns, paper you feeling I wish day, wonderful life!

53、Love and love for a long time, make Lantern Festival!花好月圆人长久,情意浓浓闹元宵!

54、元宵节送你百种祝福:一种心愿,愿你快乐;外加九十九种祝愿,愿你好运连连、吉祥如意、幸福安康、平安快乐、财源滚滚、无烦无恼,祝你幸福久久。 The Lantern Festival to send you one hundred blessings: a wish, wish you happy; Plus ninety-nine kind of wish, wish you good luck, prosperity, happiness, peace, peace and happiness, bonanza, bored, I wish you happiness for a long time。

55、Dear teacher, I wish you a happy Lantern Festival!

56、祝愿你好运幸运常相伴,幸福快乐到永远! I wish you good luck and good luck, and happy forever!

57、元宵节到了,送上一碗用真情煮熟的爱心汤圆,让平安载着它,直到你面前。愿这碗汤圆储存所有的温暖,讲寒冷赶走,释放一切真情,让幸福快乐永远伴随你。 The Lantern Festival is coming, send you a bowl of boiled dumplings love with the real feeling, make peace with it, until you。 This bowl of dumplings to store all the warm and cold away, release all the truth, let the happiness accompany you forever。

58、Wish you the best in your life, bright future and most proud, I wish you a happy Lantern Festival.愿你生活最如意,前途光明最得意,祝你元宵快乐。

59、天上的月儿圆,锅里的元宵圆,吃饭的桌儿圆,你我的情更圆,就像元宵一样黏黏呼呼团团圆圆。The sky the moon is round, yuanxiao round pot, dinner table, round, you my mood more round, just like yuanxiao sticky shout the pandas。

60、Small sweet dumpling, round head round brain round belly, short greeting, sincere sincere blessing, August 15 Lantern Festival, send a message, send a blessing, wish a friend happy Lantern Festival!

61、I wish you a happy and popular life, a happy dream in peace, good luck, good fortune and a happy Lantern Festival.

62、lantern round, monthly child round, round and round xu a wish. an old friend from afar to sms biography, bless you: sweet sweet honey happily perfectly healthy forever!圆圆的灯笼,圆圆的孩子,圆圆的许一个愿望。一位老朋友从远方传来短信传记,祝福你: 甜甜蜜蜜,永远健康快乐!

63、嚼一口甜蜜蜜的汤圆馅,让你吉祥如意,生活美满。Chew a sweet sweet dumpling stuffing, let you lucky, happy life.

64、汤圆圆,桌圆圆,元霄佳节人团圆。 Tang Yuanyuan, round table, Yuanxiao Festival reunion.

65、I wish you a prosperous fortune!

66、Tonight as white as a full moon day, and one thousand people still rebirth, elongating life month increase in Chinese, the years after the spring and autumn period, full of true feelings say goodbye after a full moon night thick, view of the lotus lamp is not enough, the afterlife in the month the new sorrow. Happy Lantern Festival!

67、吃元宵,品元宵,元宵佳节香气飘。 Eat yuanxiao, taste yuanxiao, Lantern Festival fragrance floating.

68、元宵夜连连,万户雪花开。欢歌笑语,千家把酒赏花灯。Yuan snack, wanhu snowflakes. Sang, thousands of wine lanterns.

69、Starting yangko dance, across the country and yuanxiao to set off firecrackers, lantern riddle makes you laugh, tangyuan do not help, sweet reunion around you around, blessing messages asking how are you, wish you good luck year of the Ox to every day!欢欢喜喜元宵到,举国上下秧歌跳,噼噼啪啪放鞭炮,花灯谜语惹你笑,汤圆也来凑热闹,甜蜜团圆围你绕,祝福短信问你好,愿你牛年好运天天到!

70、Wish you family reunion, everyone envies, good luck and peace. Happy Lantern Festival!愿君合家团圆人人羡,吉祥如意保平安。元宵快乐!

71、The fifteenth moon is round and round, happy and more reunion! Happy Lantern Festival!

72、The sincere rice, ground into the blessing of the noodles, mixed with sweet sugar, the auspicious benevolence, the synthesis happiness of the ball, put in the good soup, cooked into a happy sky, to happy you. Let the sweet surround you, good luck to care for you, happy and warm you, the reunion hug you. Happy Lantern Festival!

73、元宵节,灯是微笑的目光。这是增强在我的心脏在屏幕上;天上的月亮,也就是我和你爱的见证,尽管缺乏阴晴圆,而且永恒。 lantern festival lights, smiling glances of your eyes. it is augmented in my heart on the screen; the moon in the sky, that is, you and i love to witness, notwithstanding the lack of yin qing yuan, but also everlasting.

74、为你挂一盏花灯,点亮幸福的路途。 Hang a lantern for you, light up the road of happiness.

75、云可能是大片的的,雨是透明的,风是执着的,我对你是一个深刻的感觉,思维是一个浪漫的,爱是永恒的,星星是辉煌的,你是难忘的。真诚地祝你-元宵节快乐! cloud is a magnificent rain is transparent, the wind is persistent, the month is a deep feeling, and thinking is a romantic, love is permanent, the stars are brilliant, you are unforgettable. sincerely wish you - happy lantern festival!

76、Lantern Festival is coming. I sincerely wish you a happy holiday and happy every day!元宵节到了,真心祝你佳节快乐,每天乐呵呵!

77、The light of the Lantern Festival blessing, the fish dragon play the Lantern Festival. Glass sheng shi family huan, jinxiu three spring life. Tuan tuan yuan yuan yuan xiao, sweet and sweet and happy today. Best wishes for a happy Lantern Festival!

78、祝你全家团圆幸福多,年年吉祥如意多,岁岁平安多好事!I wish you a happy family reunion, good luck every year, peace and happiness!

79、不觉中,夜幕下的点点彩光持续绽放,随即消失,只在眨眼间,那是炫丽的烟火,夺人眼球,也让人们唤呼、庆贺,节日的来临,元宵节。 Unconsciously, the night under little colourful continue to blossom, and then disappear, only in the blink of an eye, that is a glaring fireworks, seize person eyeball, also let people called to shout, to celebrate, the coming of the festival, the Lantern Festival。

80、Wish you a happy Lantern Festival! Happiness is sweet! The future looks bright!祝远方的你:元宵节快乐!幸福甜蜜!前途似锦!


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