日期:2021-03-30 09:07:00八掌柜发布:www.bazhanggui.com生日祝福语人气:30我来评论
1、人固有一死,或者饿死或者撑死。 Man is inherently mortal, either starving or suffocating. 2、吃的更多,吃的更饱,吃的更好! Eat more, eat more, eat better! 3、生活尽早追求,美味尽可享受。 Pursue life as soon as possible and enjoy it. 4、倘若人生如初见,一碗馄饨一碗面。 If life is like first sight, a bowl of wonton and a bowl of noodles. 5、吃完一碗还有三碗。 There are three bowls after eating one bowl. 6、天天美食,美食美刻。 Every day delicious food, delicious carving. 7、今天吃喝不努力明天努力找吃喝。 Eat and drink today and try to find food and drink tomorrow. 8、我是吃货,我得瑟。 I'm eating. I have to eat. 9、我能吃不代表我是吃货,只能说说明我好养。 I can eat does not mean that I eat, can only say that I am well-fed. 10、将吃货精神进行到底,减肥什么都是浮云。 The spirit of eating will be carried out to the end, weight loss is nothing but clouds. 11、我什么都不爱吃,但是我什么都吃。 I don't like anything, but I eat everything. 12、吃货离开了食物,就像是一个失恋了的人。 Eating without food is like a lovelorn person. 13、我不是吃货,我是一个挑食的吃货。 I'm not a food eater. I'm a picky eater. 14、人家吃两口就饱了,我吃饱了还能再吃两口。 When people eat two mouthfuls, they will be full. When I am full, I can eat two more mouthfuls. 15、君问归期未有期,一起来份大盘鸡。 Jun Wen's return date is not yet available. Let's have a big plate of chicken. 16、长得好看的才叫吃货,长得丑的那叫饭桶。 What looks good is food, and what looks ugly is a bucket. 17、吃货的幸福太简单了,就是吃饱,还能继续吃。 The happiness of eating is too simple, that is, to eat enough, but also to continue to eat. 18、私享美味,优质生活! Enjoy delicious food, quality of life! 19、挑食的不配当吃货。 Picky food is not suitable for eating. 20、在吃货的这条不归路上,人类,从来都不孤单! On the way home from eating, human beings are never alone! 21、从心出发,美味无处不在。 From the heart, delicious food is everywhere. 22、吃要吃得不择手段。 Eat by all means. 23、吃着碗里的,看着锅里的。 Eat in the bowl, look in the pot. Life is full of delicacies, and life is full of satisfaction! 25、追寻美味全方位,天下美食零距离。 Pursue delicious all-round, World Food Zero distance. 26、两情若是长久时,又岂在猪猪肉肉。 If love lasts for a long time, is it pork? 27、空有一颗想减肥的心,偏偏生了一条吃货的命。 There is a heart wanting to lose weight, but a life of eating. 28、作为吃货,我坚信,没啥是不能吃的。 As food, I firmly believe that nothing is not edible. |