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求海上钢琴师中 max对1900说的一段话!!!

日期:2024-12-30 22:22:03八掌柜发布:www.bazhanggui.com生日快乐祝福语人气:0我来评论

导读:求海上钢琴师中 max对1900说的一段话!!!...

求海上钢琴师中 max对1900说的一段话!!!

1900: You'll come visit me won't you,Max? On land?

MAX: Of course.That way you'll introduce me to the mother of your children and invite me for Sunday dinner. I'll bring the dessert and a bottle of wine and you'll tell me I shouldn't have and while you're showing me around your house like a ship your wife will be cooking a turkey And then we'll sit at the table and I'll tell her she's an excellent cook and she'll say how you talk about me all the time You know I'm going to give my camel coat you'll cut a fine figure when you get down there.



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